
Off the Cuff!

Amy and Michelle wrap up this season of a Word Fitly Spoken by sharing some personal thoughts we hope will edify you in your walk with Jesus. We’ve both been navigating some seasons in our life that we thought we’d share, and how we’ve been going to God’s Word to share what Scripture has to say about the joys and the trials of walking worthy.

Note: We are once again taking a break from podcasting for this summer to rest in the Lord and focus on family priorities. We hope you enjoy some of our many older podcasts here. We will also post on our social media if you would like to keep in touch. We are planning to return to producing new episodes for you in late August.

Love in Christ,

Amy and Michelle

(No transcript today – except on our YouTube channel which generates transcripts of all of our podcasts)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Off the Cuff!
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Glad You Asked: “The Chosen” with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 2

Here’s part 2 of our discussion with Pastor Gabe Hughes on our Glad You Asked episode on The Chosen. (Did you miss Part 1 of our interview? LISTEN HERE.)

In 2021, we ran a three episode series reviewing seasons 1 and 2 of The Chosen, and we thought it was time for a little update. We’ve answered lots of questions about The Chosen on our show in the last few years, and so has Pastor Gabe, on Q&A episodes of his podcast, When We Understand the Text. So we thought he would be the perfect guest to help us answer all your questions about The Chosen. 


Glad You Asked: “The Chosen” with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 1

AWFS series on The Chosen: part 1   part 2   part 3

WWUTT Website (find all of Pastor Gabe’s links here)

WWUTT videos on The Chosen

Pastor Gabe’s blog articles on The Chosen

Nativity Scenes and the Second Commandment– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: "The Chosen" with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 2
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Glad You Asked: “The Chosen” with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 1

The topic of today’s Glad You Asked episode is The Chosen. In 2021, we ran a three episode series reviewing seasons 1 and 2 of The Chosen, and we thought it was time for a little update. We’ve answered lots of questions about The Chosen on our show in the last few years, and so has Pastor Gabe Hughes, on Q&A episodes of his podcast, When We Understand the Text. So we thought he would be the perfect guest to help us answer all your questions about The Chosen. Here’s part 1 of our discussion with Pastor Gabe.


Glad You Asked: “The Chosen” with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 2

AWFS series on The Chosen: part 1   part 2   part 3

WWUTT Website (find all of Pastor Gabe’s links here)

WWUTT videos on The Chosen

Pastor Gabe’s blog articles on The Chosen

Nativity Scenes and the Second Commandment– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: "The Chosen" with Pastor Gabe Hughes- part 1
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Heroines of Holiness

What is holiness, and what can the Bible teach us about how to walk out holiness in our day to day lives? In this episode, we’ll be taking a look at several “sisters from Scripture” who have set a good example of various aspects of holiness for us. We want to be sure that we’re learning from their example, and setting a good example of holiness for one another today.


(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Heroines of Holiness
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Discernment vs Twisted Scripture

We see these pseudo-Christian events and movements all the time: Asbury, Bethel, the Enneagram, IF:Gathering, ReVoice… and on and on it goes. And many of the same Scriptures are trotted out and twisted mercilessly to defend them.

These Scriptures and principles could be applied to a number of things past and present, and they will surely be pulled out and dusted off the next time a so called “Christian” event, idea, or fad pops up, so let’s take a look at them and untangle them so we’ll all be ready to explain what Scripture really says. Because the next “Asbury” – or something like it – is right around the corner.


Resolute: 2025 Answers for Women Conference- March 31-April 2    April 3-5

The Mailbag: Applying Twisted Scripture to Pseudo-Christian Events, Ideas and Fads– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Asbury, Revival, and Discernment– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What Happened To The Asbury Revival?– Samuel Sey

The Asbury Revival: One Year Later– The Asbury Collegian

Glad You Asked: Discernment- part 1  part 2

Addressing Objections to Discernment- Parts 1-4

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Discernment vs Twisted Scripture
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Christians and Pornography: What’s going on in your mind?

On this throwback episode of A Word Fitly Spoken, Amy and Michelle are covering a topic that’s a little sensitive – pornography – and even though we’re not going to be graphic in any way, this episode might be one you’d rather listen to without the kids around.

Pornography is such a plague on society in general, and, unfortunately, even Christian men and women have been tempted into using it. What can you do if your spouse is addicted to these images, or is having an emotional affair? What if you’re the one who is caught in the snare of sexual immorality?

As always, we’ll be looking first and foremost at what the Bible has to say, since the Bible is our authority as Christians.


Scriptures teaching that using pornography is a sin and Scriptures about contentment (be sure to study all of these in context)

Biblical Resources on Pornography Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Should Christian Couples Watch Pornography Together? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Is lust a sin for women, too? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Christians and Pornography: What's going on in your mind?
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Glad You Asked: Discernment – Part 2

It’s time for another great episode of hearing from our listeners and answering your insightful questions in part 2 of this two part Glad You Asked addressing questions of discernment. 

  • Help! The speaker for our women’s conference works for TGC.
  • Bringing The Chosen into the church?
  • My friend says her favorite false teacher “loves Jesus” as much as we do. What do I say?
  • Should I stop following Daily Grace Co.?
  • Thoughts on Greg Laurie?
  • Should I attend a funeral at a cultic “church”?
  • How do I approach a loved one about the false teacher/doctrine she’s following without offending her?
  • How do I approach my church leaders about the false teacher/doctrine they’re allowing in our church?
  • How can I vet a teacher to see if she’s a false teacher?


Glad You Asked: Discernment- part 1

The Chosen- parts 1-3

The Daily Grace Co. – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Roman Catholicism: Mass Confusion

Truth and Love – with Mike Gendron

What Do Unity Churches Believe?

Praying Together vs Fervent and The War Room

Greg Laurie, Calvary Chapel, and New Catholic National Shrine for Marian Apparitions

Greg Laurie and the SBC: “Surely Becoming Charismatic”

Azusa Now, Catholics and…Greg Laurie?

Greg Laurie promotes Furtick’s new book

Azusa Redux: Lou Engle, Greg Laurie uniting denominations?

Addressing Objections to Discernment- Parts 1-4

Doing Discernment

AWFS Discernment episodes

How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers

Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment (Bible Study)- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Words with Friends

Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Discernment - Part 2
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Glad You Asked: Discernment – Part 1

It’s time for another great episode of hearing from our listeners and answering your insightful questions in this two part Glad You Asked addressing questions of discernment. In Part 1, we kick things off by looking at some of the Scriptures that deal with discernment, then it’s on to your questions!

  • What is the gift of “discerning spirits” and how can we exercise it objectively?
  • Help! My church uses music from heretical sources!
  • The women’s ministry at the church I’m attending uses materials by false teachers. What should I do?
  • I lead a women’s Bible study at my church. What do I do when I’m told that I can only use studies from LifeWay?
  • My church hired a women’s ministry director who was previously the Women’s Ministry Specialist at Lifeway. What should I be on the lookout for?
  • Is flag dancing/waving in worship biblical?
  • How do you discern between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of your own ego?



Glad You Asked: Discernment- part 2

Addressing Objections to Discernment- Parts 1-4

Doing Discernment

How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers

Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment (Bible Study)- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

God Doesn’t Whisper and other AWFS episodes on the sufficiency of Scripture

Words with Friends

What is the spiritual gift of discerning spirits?– Got Questions?

Why Your Church Should Stop Playing Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, and Jesus Culture– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Jill in the Pulpit– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Discernment - Part 1
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Easter: The Passion, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection

Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, if you prefer, is upon us. It’s all about the resurrection of Christ from the dead. But, as you know, there’s no resurrection without a crucifixion. Jesus had to lay down His life before He could take it up again. And that’s what we’re talking about in this episode as we approach Easter – Jesus’ suffering, or “passion” as it’s sometimes called, and His death, burial, and resurrection.


The Events of Passion Week by Mike Collier


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Easter: The Passion, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection
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Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of our 3-part series on growing older. We asked you to send us your comments and feedback on parts 1 and 2, and you graciously took the time to share your thoughts with us so we could share your wisdom and insight with all of our listeners tonight in part 3. We certainly don’t have all the answers, so we appreciate your chiming in and offering your wisdom.


Aging with Grace for Godly Women- part 1

Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 2

Biblical Women’s Ministry – Part 1

Practical Women’s Ministry – Part 2

Titus 2: Teach What is Good?

Modesty: Part 1Part 2,  Part 3

Excommunicating the Elderly: Kicking Wisdom to the Curb

Searching for a new church?

Ben Shapiro Got Hammered for This (Stewarding our retirement for ministry, wills/trusts)- Wretched Radio

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 3
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Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of our 3-part series on growing older. There’s all kinds of advice out there for how to be a godly wife and how to raise your children. But rarely do you hear anything about how becoming a widow changes your life and your identity, or how much it will change your life when your children grow up and leave home, or what it’s like to grow older as a single woman. Aging really is a huge adjustment to a new season of life. In this episode we’ll be talking about some of the practical aspects of growing older.

What did you think of parts 1 & 2? In part 3, we’ll be reading your responses and thoughts, so please be sure to comment on this episode or our social media pages!


Aging with Grace for Godly Women- part 1

Christmas Dinner with the Sexual Sinner

When Your Child Cancels You– Transformed with Dr. Greg Gifford

How Can I Remain Fruitful in My Old Age or in My Retirement?– Ligonier

What does the Bible say about aging/growing old?– GotQuestions

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 2
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Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 1

Tonight begins a three part series on a topic that, unfortunately, isn’t talked about very much in the church: aging. What it’s like to grow older as a godly woman. Tonight, in part 1, we’re going to take a look at what Scripture says about aging. What does Scripture tell us to think about aging and to do as we age? Grab your Bible and let’s study these passages together.


The Women of Christmas (Anna)

What does the Bible say about aging/growing old?– GotQuestions

Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 2

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 1
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Potluck! February 2024

This week, we’ve got a new feature for you that we hope you’ll love as much as our other features. We’re calling this one Potluck. And on these episodes, we’re going to cover biblical mini-topics that aren’t really long enough for their own, individual episodes, and don’t fit into any of our other features. Join us as we discuss discernment, accountability, discipleship materials for teens, Ecclesiastes, and more!


Naomi’s Table Bible Studies

Bible Studies– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Potluck! February 2024
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Talk Back: The Yeast of the Progressives

What happens when speakers add their own opinions and worldly cultural influences to the Word of God? The examples we are sharing are not from Word of Faith or New Apostolic Reformation services, but from the other end of the spectrum – the Progressive Christianity movement. Join us as we “talk back” to the Progressives with what the Bible really says.


  1. Minister Carla Baily: Pilgrim Congregational Church Duluth, Minnesota, 
  2. Dr. Adam Shoemaker, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina
  3. Andy Stanley, Northpoint Church in Atlanta
  4. Elle Dowd, Church Website

White Paper: What you need to know about Progressive Christianty

The Progressive Disease of Spiritual Deception in Our Time

Evangelicalism has been hijacked by woke elitist progressive “Christians”

Clergy Advocacy Board for Planned Parenthood

Andy Stanley– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Talk Back: The Yeast of the Progressives
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Love And Marriage!

Hollywood marriages last about as long as peanut butter cups in a bowl full of raisins. Not much of a shelf life, and not based on Christ.

The Bible has a lot to say about what “real” marriages look like. With more than 60 years of marriage experience between them, Michelle and Amy discuss biblical love and godly marriages, and what they’ve learned, in this sweet throwback episode.


What is the validity of marriage in today’s world? –

What is God’s design for marriage? –

29 Things I’ve Learned in 29 Years of Marriage – Michelle Lesley

Must I reconcile with my abusive ex-husband? – Michelle Lesley


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Love And Marriage!
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The Pew: The State of Women’s Ministry- Part 2

Last October, LifeWay Research released a study called The State of Ministry to Women. They surveyed 1,000 female churchgoers and 842 women’s ministry leaders “aiming to assess the state of women’s ministry, with a focus on acknowledging progress and identifying areas for further development.”

In part 1 of this episode of The Pew, we discussed the results of the survey of the women’s ministry leaders. Tonight, in part 2, we’re going to take a look at the results of the survey that was administered to the women churchgoers. 


The Pew: The State of Women’s Ministry- Part 1

Survey home page

Survey of women churchgoers

Biblical Women’s Ministry – Part 1

Practical Women’s Ministry – Part 2

All Word and No Play: The Importance of Fun and Fellowship in the Doctrinally Sound Church– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
The Pew: The State of Women's Ministry- Part 2
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Talk Back: Alistair Begg

In this episode of Talk Back, we discuss the brouhaha over Alistair Begg’s counsel to a grandmother about attending her grandchild’s “wedding”. What does the Bible have to say about sexual immorality and a pastor’s responsibility to teach and counsel according to sound doctrine?


Interview video with Begg’s initial remarks (28:45)

AFR statement

AFR article

Begg’s response sermon (entire sermon)

Relevant portions (excerpts) of Begg’s response sermon from Protestia

Justin Peters’ video (recorded prior to Begg’s response sermon)

Shepherds Conference Removes Alistair Begg– Berean Research

Alistair Begg– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Have You Been Dealt the Pharisee Card?


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Talk Back: Alistair Begg
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The Pew: The State of Women’s Ministry – Part 1

Last October, LifeWay Research released a study called The State of Ministry to Women. They surveyed 1,000 female churchgoers and 842 women’s ministry leaders “aiming to assess the state of women’s ministry, with a focus on acknowledging progress and identifying areas for further development.”

Tonight, we’re going to take a look at the results of the survey that was administered to the women’s ministry leaders. In part 2 of this episode of The Pew, we’ll discuss the results of the survey of the women churchgoers.


Survey home page

Women’s Ministry Leaders survey

Biblical Women’s Ministry – Part 1

Practical Women’s Ministry – Part 2

All Word and No Play: The Importance of Fun and Fellowship in the Doctrinally Sound Church– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Pew: The State of Women’s Ministry- Part 2


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
The Pew: The State of Women's Ministry - Part 1
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Holy Habits for the New Year: Abolition for Women

Lots of people make New Year’s resolutions that tend to fizzle out within a few weeks or months. Instead, we want to introduce to you some holy habits you can integrate into your walk with the Lord. Last year’s holy habits were more about private sanctification in our own one on one relationship with Christ. This year’s habits are more outwardly focused on ministering to others. And one of the holy habits we want to encourage you to consider “doing” this year is abortion abolition.


Abortion Abolition with Brett Baggett

Abolition Women on X (Twitter)

Abolition Women website

End Abortion Now


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Holy Habits for the New Year: Abolition for Women
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How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers

We’re taking you way back into our archives today while Amy and Michelle attend to family matters. We think you’ll really like this episode from October 2019, as it’s one of our most popular episodes of all time:
Over the last few episodes, we’ve been talking about the topic of discernment – how to handle things when we encounter false teachers and false doctrine.
In our “Doing Discernment” episode, we took a look at how to determine if a teacher is trustworthy and whether or not you should be following him or her. In our “Words with Friends: How to contend with loved ones” episode, we talked about how to approach and gently warn a friend who’s following a false teacher.
But what about when false teachers or false doctrine impacts your church? What’s the right and biblical way to address it? Michelle and Amy discuss how to talk to your church leaders about false teachers.


How should I approach my church leaders about a false teacher they’re introducing? Michelle Lesley

Being Berean- 8 Steps for Comparing Teaching to Scripture Michelle Lesley

Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs Steven Kozar, Messed Up Church

How to Leave a Church Michelle Lesley

Leaving the NAR Church: 55 testimonies from those who got out Amy Spreeman

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

(Sorry, no transcript for this elderly episode!)

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers
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Holy Habits for the New Year: Biblical Counseling with Travis McNeely

Lots of people make New Year’s resolutions that tend to fizzle out within a few weeks or months. Instead, we want to introduce to you some holy habits you can integrate into your walk with the Lord. Last year’s holy habits were more about private sanctification in our own one on one relationship with Christ. This year’s habits are more outwardly focused on ministering to others. And one of the holy habits we want to encourage you to consider “doing” this year is biblical counseling.


Holy Habits for the New Year: Evangelism – with Rich Story

Holy Habits: Productivity with Reagan Rose

Holy Habits: Scripture Memory with Susan Heck

Why Aren’t Mormons Christians? with Pastor Travis McNeely

Travis McNeely: Website     X (Twitter)     YouTube

Biblical Counseling Resources– Michelle Lesley-Discipleship for Christian Women

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)

ACBC Trauma Resources:

Biblically Informed Trauma Care

Discerning Trauma Informed Therapy

The Journal of Biblical Soul Care

Recommended Books:

From Forgiven to Forgiving by Jay Adams

The Church as a Culture of Care by Dale Johnson

The Christian’s Guide to Psychological Terms by Marshall and Mary Asher

Saving Normal by Allen Francis

Homework for Biblical Living by Wayne Mack

Anxious for Nothing by John MacArthur


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Holy Habits for the New Year: Biblical Counseling with Travis McNeely
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AWFS’s Evangelical Resolutions Wish List

Enjoy this throwback episode about New Year’s Resolutions! We usually don’t make resolutions, BUT, just for fun, we thought we’d share some resolutions we wish some of the celebrity teachers would make for 2024! As Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” We hope you enjoy the humor in these in-jest resolutions.

(Recorded in 2021. Sarah Young has since died.)


Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn’t Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

G3 Ministries


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
AWFS's Evangelical Resolutions Wish List
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A (Word Fitly Spoken) Christmas Carol

When it comes to Christmas music, there are some songs we absolutely love … and others …eh… not so much. So this week, we thought we would share with you a few of our favorite Christmas carols and songs, and some we’d really rather do without. Merry Christmas!


Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

Christmas Mythbusters!

Silent Night

Silent Night, Holy Night (animated movie)

Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

Santa Pause with Justin Peters

Jingle Bells (Barbra Streisand)

It’s About the Cross by Go Fish

O Magnum Mysterium

The Most Inconvenient Christmas

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

The Best Christmas Songs of All Time– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Worst Christmas Songs of All Time– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
A (Word Fitly Spoken) Christmas Carol
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The Women of Christmas

 The biblical story of Jesus’ birth would look and sound – and be – very different without the important role godly women played in welcoming our incarnate Savior to earth. Tonight, we’re going to open up our Bibles and take a look at the women of the very first Christmas story – Elizabeth, Anna, and Mary – and their example to us as Christian women.



Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
The Women of Christmas
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What Would You Do? December ’23

It’s time for another great episode of What Would You Do, with scenarios sent in by you, our listeners! Listen in, play along, and let us know what you would do in each of these situations.


Spiritual Formation

The Mailbag: How to Leave a Church

Tony Evans– Michelle Lesley-Discipleship for Christian Women

Why Is Submission So Scary?


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
What Would You Do? December '23
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God Doesn’t Whisper to Me, Either

We recently aired an interview about extra-biblical revelation: “God Doesn’t Whisper, with Jim Osman”.  Many of you commented and shared how the teaching that we must hear God’s voice did a great deal of harm to your understanding of His nature. In this episode, we want to share those testimonies from our listeners, and why we need to have a scriptural understanding of how God does – and does not – speak to His children.


God Doesn’t Whisper with Jim Osman (lots of resources in the show notes of this episode)

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley-Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
God Doesn't Whisper to Me, Either
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A Time to Laugh: Christian Humor with Keith Foskey

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to weep, and a time to laugh. Ecclesiastes 3:1,4a

Today, we’re talking about joy, laughter, cheerfulness, and humor in the church and in the Christian life with our friend, Keith Foskey. Listen and smile!


Keith Foskey’s YouTube Channel   Twitter   Facebook Group

Sovereign Grace Family Church (Keith’s Church)

All Word and No Play: The Importance of Fun and Fellowship in the Doctrinally Sound Church– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
A Time to Laugh: Christian Humor with Keith Foskey
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Glad You Asked: Part 2- Nov. 2023

 It’s time for another great episode of hearing from our listeners and answering your insightful questions! Today, we’re tackling…

  • When a modern-day prophet’s prophecy comes true
  • Unruly grandchildren
  • Voting for non-abolitionist presidential candidates
  • Women leading the Scripture reading in church
  • Challenges faced by a growing church
  • Michelle’s and Amy’s quiet times, and tips for yours


Why today’s “prophets” aren’t prophets– Berean Research

Abortion Abolition with Brett Baggett

Election 2020 – How Can Christians Vote Biblically?

How Should Christians Vote?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Seven Thoughts on Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role FAQs (#15)– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

How to Study the Bible and How Not To

Bible studies and resources– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Nine Helps for Starting and Sticking to Daily Bible Study– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

My Favorite Bible & Study Apps– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

6 Reasons You Should Attend the Next G3 Women’s Expository Teaching Workshop– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

How to Eat Your Bible by Nate Pickowicz

When We Understand the Text/WWUTT


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Part 2- Nov. 2023
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Glad You Asked: Part 1 Fall 2023

 It’s time for another great episode of hearing from our listeners and answering your insightful questions! Today, we’re tackling…

    • How to respond when Christian friends speak admiringly of false teachers
    • Leaving a church over contemplative spirituality
    • Prescriptive vs. descriptive texts of Scripture
    • Ecumenical Bible study groups
    • What is a deaconess?
    • Should Christians celebrate Jewish holidays?


Going Beyond Scripture: Why It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Words with Friends: How to Contend with Loved Ones

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Spiritual Formation & Spiritual Disciplines

How to Leave a Church– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Oh No She Di-int! Priscilla Didn’t Preach, Deborah Didn’t Dominate, and Esther Wasn’t an Egalitarian– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Who Do You Think You Are?

Deaconesses and Female Deacons– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Part 1 Fall 2023
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God Doesn’t Whisper! With Jim Osman

Today, we’re talking about the very important topic of extra-biblical revelation – the idea of God talking to us outside the pages of Scripture. And we’ve got a friend with us who literally wrote the book on it, Pastor Jim Osman. Jim’s excellent book on extra-biblical revelation is called God Doesn’t Whisper, and he’s going to help us understand why this teaching that God speaks to us outside of Scripture is not just extra-biblical, but unbiblical. Listen all the way to the end- we have a giveaway for you!


Jim Osman’s: website   Facebook   X(Twitter)   Amazon author page

Kootenai Community Church (Jim’s church)

God Doesn’t Whisper on AGTV

That’s Enough! The Sufficiency of Scripture

Glad You Asked!

How Does the Holy Spirit Lead Us?

Isn’t the Gospel enough?

Jesus Calling articles– Berean Research

Jesus Calling/Sarah Young– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
God Doesn't Whisper! With Jim Osman
Continue Reading 56

Anger: Righteous or Wrong?

We all get angry from time to time, and for most of us, our anger is usually sinful. But some Christians don’t realize that not all anger is sinful. This can be especially challenging for Christian women. Let’s take a look at anger, and what the Bible has to say about it.


6 Reasons to Recapture Righteous Anger– MichelleLesley-Discipleship for Christian Women

7 Ways to Mortify Irritability

What does the Bible say about anger?–

What are some Bible verses about anger?–


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Anger: Righteous or Wrong?
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Leaving BSF with Lara Swanson

BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is a parachurch Bible study ministry with local study groups all over the world. BSF has long been considered by many to be solid and biblical, but over the last several years a number of red flags have been raised. Lara Swanson saw many of those red flags, which led to her leaving her position with BSF. Tonight, she’s here to share her story with you.


Leaving BSF 2023: Testimony from a former teacher– Berean Research

BSF Leader resigns; warns members about 2018 Study– Berean Research

BSF, Jesus Calling and a plea from the heart– Berean Research

White Papers on Contemplative Prayer and Spiritual Formation – Berean Research

BSF as a “Vision-Casting” ministry? An open letter from a leader at Naomi’s Table

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Leaving BSF with Lara Swanson
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How We Spent Our Summer Vacation 2023 – Part 2

It is so great to be back with all of you! Thank you for your patience while we took a much needed break over the summer. We have been hard at work recording a lot of great episodes that are coming your way this fall, including some fantastic interviews with special guests that we can’t wait for you to hear. But first, we wanted to catch you up on what we’ve been doing all summer. Here’s part 2 of How We Spent Our Summer Vacation!


How We Spent Our Summer Vacation 2023- part 1

Life After Roe Conference

Rick Warren’s SBC ’23 Appeal Speech

SBC Convention Sermon Reaction and Review– Pastor Keith Foskey

SBC Constitutional Amendment (Law Amendment)

Jesus Calling articles– Berean Research

Jesus Calling/Sarah Young– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How We Spent Our Summer Vacation 2023 - Part 2
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How We Spent Our Summer Vacation 2023- Part 1

It is so great to be back with all of you! Thank you for your patience while we took a much needed break over the summer. We have been hard at work recording a lot of great episodes that are coming your way this fall, including some fantastic interviews with special guests that we can’t wait for you to hear. But first, we wanted to catch you up on what we’ve been doing all summer. Here’s part 1 of How We Spent Our Summer Vacation!


6 Reasons You Should Attend the Next G3 Women’s Expository Teaching Workshop– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets – Official Trailer

Amazon Prime free trial (for viewing Duggar documentary, if you don’t have a subscription)

The Secrets of Hillsong Documentary Series Trailer

Hulu (also offers a free trial, so you can view the Hillsong documentary if you don’t have a subscription)

Buy Hillsong documentary on YouTube

2022 TLC Hillsong documentary (Hillsong a Megachurch Exposed)

Brian Houston acquitted by Australian court in sexual abuse coverup case– The Washington Post

The Essential Church Official Trailer

The Essential Church Movie: an Interview with Director Shannon Halliday– A Word Fitly Spoken

The Essential Church (website)


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How We Spent Our Summer Vacation 2023- Part 1
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Glad You Asked: Leftovers! – May 2023

Normally when we’re preparing for a Glad You Asked episode, we’ll take to social media and ask you to send us your questions. And, normally, we receive far more excellent questions than we’re able to answer in one episode. So this episode of Glad You Asked is from the leftover questions file!

  • Women giving the children’s sermon
  • Friendships with lost people
  • Responding to false doctrine in a parachurch ministry
  • Wayward young adult children
  • Women and ordination
  • Sharing your testimony
  • “Able to teach” elders


The Mailbag: Is it OK for women to teach the children’s sermon?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Words with Friends: How to Contend with Loved Ones

How to Talk to Your Church Leaders about False Teachers

Rock Your Role FAQs #14 (women giving testimonies in church)-Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Leftovers! - May 2023
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An Interview with SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone

Women pastors. Sexual abuse. Homosexuality in the church. The SBC annual meeting is right around the corner, and with these and other serious issues looming, biblical, convictional leadership is more important than ever. In this bonus episode of A Word Fitly Spoken, Michelle sits down with SBC presidential candidate, Pastor Mike Stone, to discuss the issues and his vision for a biblical path forward.


Pastor Mike Stone website and social media links

Emmanuel Baptist Church

Mike Stone – Tom Buck Interview (more on the sexual abuse issue)

SBC Amendment (on women pastors)

SBC Annual Meeting Info.

The Mailbag: Where can I get info on #SBC23?


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
An Interview with SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone
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The Pew! May, 2023 edition

Welcome to the May 2023 edition of The Pew, where we address current events – inside and outside the church – from a biblical perspective. In this episode:

  • Can women teach the Bible to other women?
  • SatanCon
  • The 2023 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention
  • Notorious abortionist, Leroy Carhart, has died
  • Depression in older women
  • National Day of Prayer
  • The Christian Nationalism Debate


Titus 2: Teach what is good?

Women’s Ministry part 1

Women’s Ministry part 2

Should Women Teach Theology to Other Women? Part 1   Part 2– Dale Partridge

SBC Annual Meeting Informational Website

SBC Annual Meeting Introductory Video

The Mailbag: Where can I get info on #SBC23?

Talk Back: Rick Warren

Rick Warren– Berean Research

Stats on antidepressant use in older women


Now Are You Ready to Homeschool?

Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart dead at 81– Live Action

Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – Carhart– Live Action

Abortion Abolition

Christian Nationalism– G3 Podcast

Christian Nationalism: A Baptist Heritage of Public & Political Theology– The Sword and the Trowel

What’s Up with the National Day of Prayer?– Holly Pivec

The National (Take A Verse Out Of Context) Day of Prayer– Berean Research

Ronnie Floyd to preside over National Day of Prayer– Berean Research


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
The Pew! May, 2023 edition
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The Essential Church Movie

Have you heard about the upcoming documentary, The Essential Church? It’s a feature-length documentary about the persecuted church throughout history, as well as a recent example of church versus government during the COVID restrictions, spotlighting John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church. Listen in as we interview film director, Shannon Halliday, and make plans now to see The Essential Church when it releases later this summer.


The Essential Church website

The Essential Church trailer


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
The Essential Church Movie
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Talk Back: Rick Warren

In this episode of Talk Back, we compare Rick Warren’s recent remarks about women “pastors” to Scripture. Do the Scriptures he cites really support the idea of women pastoring and preaching? Spoiler alert: Of course not! Let’s take a look at what these passages really mean and what the Bible really says about women pastoring and preaching.


Rick Warren Reflects on His Legacy

Is Women Preaching a Secondary Issue?

Rick Warren– Berean Research

Saddleback’s Rick Warren appoints 3 women pastors– Berean Research

Rock Your Role: Oh No She Di-int! Priscilla Didn’t Preach, Deborah Didn’t Dominate, and Esther Wasn’t an Egalitarian– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Counter Arguments to Egalitarianism– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role FAQsMichelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Talk Back: Rick Warren
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All About Prayer! Part 2

On the surface, prayer seems so simple- just talk to God. But when it’s time to actually do it, there can be a million questions. And those questions are nothing to be ashamed of. The disciples lived with Jesus. Heard Him pray. Watched Him pray. And they still had to ask Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In part 2 of our 2 part series on prayer, we talk about praying Scripture, and practical tips for your own prayer time, as well as leading others in prayer.


All About Prayer: Part 1

Praying Scripture– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Priming Your Prayer Wall– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Mailbag: Help! Our ladies’ prayer meeting is a disaster!– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Sweet Hour of Prayer Bible Study– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
All About Prayer! Part 2
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All About Prayer! Part 1

On the surface, prayer seems so simple- just talk to God. But when it’s time to actually do it, there can be a million questions. And those questions are nothing to be ashamed of. The disciples lived with Jesus. Heard Him pray. Watched Him pray. And they still had to ask Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In part 1 of our 2 part series on prayer, we talk about unbiblical attitudes and perspectives on prayer, and how we can pray biblically instead.


Basic Training: 8 Things You Need to Know about Prayer– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Throwback Thursday ~ After This Manner Therefore Pray– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Throwback Thursday ~ “Can We Talk?”– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

25 Things I Forgot to Thank God For– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Sweet Hour of Prayer Bible Study– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Contemplative Prayer– Berean Research

Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry” Berean Research

What Links Breath Prayer, “Practicing the Presence” and Yoga?– Berean Research


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
All About Prayer! Part 1
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Glad You Asked! – April 2023

What do I do when I feel far from God? Should Christians practice yoga? What is the Raindrop Technique of administering essential oils, and is it biblical? We’re answering these questions and more on this episode of Glad You Asked!


Good News

Discovering Head Covering

How do the elements of the Passover Seder point to Christ?– Got Questions

What constitutes marriage according to the Bible?– Got Questions

The Christian and Essential Oils?– Naomi’s Table

A Scriptural Basis for Raindrop Technique– Raindrop Messenger (WARNING: This is not a doctrinally sound resource. We include it only so you can familiarize yourself with the way Raindrop practitioners twist Scripture to make this practice seem biblical.)

Healing Oils of the Bible– Christian Answers for the New Age.

My Response to Holy Yoga– Amy Spreeman

White Paper: Yoga– Berean Research


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked! - April 2023
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Easter: The Passion, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection

Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, if you prefer, is upon us. It’s all about the resurrection of Christ from the dead. But, as you know, there’s no resurrection without a crucifixion. Jesus had to lay down His life before He could take it up again. And that’s what we’re talking about in this episode as we approach Easter – Jesus’ suffering, or “passion” as it’s sometimes called, and His death, burial, and resurrection.


The Events of Passion Week by Mike Collier


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Easter: The Passion, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection
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4 Ways to Avoid Being Deceived

It’s so important that we, as Christian women, exercise discernment so that we aren’t deceived by false teachers or false doctrine. In this episode, we’ll take a look at four deceptive pop false doctrines that evangelical women are being wooed by right now, and how you can avoid being deceived by them.


Fox & Friends Clip (Kiersten)

Women Preaching the Gospel?

“Just chew the meat and spit out the bones!” Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 3

What is Discernment? 


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
4 Ways to Avoid Being Deceived
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How to Host a Women’s Conference

Women’s conferences can be such a wonderful time of refreshing. Amy and Michelle first met in person at a women’s conference, and A Word Fitly Spoken was born! And because we’ve both had such a wonderful time at women’s conferences and have seen how helpful they can be, we want to share the joy with you! Listen in as we discuss the benefits of local church women’s conferences and some practical help for planning and hosting.


Book Amy & Michelle to speak at your next women’s event!

Local Church Conferences– The Rural Church Podcast

Women’s Events on a Shoestring Budget and Other Practical Tips– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Get theme, decor, etc. ideas here! (Events Michelle has previously spoken at)


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How to Host a Women’s Conference
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Discernment and the Role of Women

Pastors are increasingly facing a culture that challenges the biblical roles of women in the church and at home.  Amy and Michelle were recently invited to be interviewed by Pastor Mitch Schultz, who has served for over thirty years as a pastor with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). He is the host of a podcast, Before You Quit: Bringing Courage and Perspective When Serving Gets Hard. What a blessing and encouragement it was. Pastor Mitch has graciously allowed us to share this interview on our podcast today. Enjoy!


Before You Quit Podcast with Mitch Schultz

Twisted Complementarianism – A Word Fitly Spoken

Rock Your Role article series- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Why is submission so scary? – A Word Fitly Spoken

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Discernment and the Role of Women
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Talk Back: Lysa TerKeurst

How can we be discerning and “test the spirits,” as it says in 1 John 4:1-6? We do that by holding up everything we hear or read to the light of Truth found in God’s Word, to see if this comes from the Spirit of Truth or a spirit of error. We are kicking off an episode series called “Talk Back,” where we listen together to a presentation, a video or a sermon, and then compare what that speaker teaches to what God’s Word says. In this episode, we examine a teaching from a program called Therapy and Theology: Commonly Misunderstood Verses about Women, presented by popular teacher Lysa TerKeurst.


Therapy and Theology: Commonly Debated and Misunderstood Verses about Women

What is the Emergent church movement? – Berean Research

Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn’t Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Jill in the Pulpit Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Oh No She Di-int! Priscilla Didn’t Preach, Deborah Didn’t Dominate, and Esther Wasn’t an Egalitarian– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role (series)- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Mailbag: Counter Arguments to Egalitarianism– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Talk Back: Lysa TerKeurst
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Hospitality – Part 2

When you hear someone say the word “hospitality,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? An immaculate home with a Pinterest-ready guest room? A fancy party with crystal serving bowls and your grandma’s best china? That is not biblical hospitality. Amy and Michelle dive into Scripture to discuss what God’s Word says about the hospitable heart, in Part 2 of our two-part series. (Listen to part 1 here)


Hospitality- Part 1


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Hospitality - Part 2
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Hospitality – Part 1

When you hear someone say the word “hospitality,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? An immaculate home with a Pinterest-ready guest room? A fancy party with crystal serving bowls and your grandma’s best china? That is not biblical hospitality. Amy and Michelle dive into Scripture to discuss what God’s Word says about the hospitable heart, in this first of our two-part series.


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Hospitality - Part 1
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Are Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent Biblical?

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent are all traditions that are connected. But are they biblical? In this encore episode, Michelle and Amy dig deep into Scripture to explain why sweet treats and parades are fun, the theology behind these traditions are far from biblical truth.


What is the meaning of Lent? – Got Questions

What is Lent? 40 Acts

What is Ash Wednesday? – Got Questions

Ash Wednesday Catholic Online

Ash Wednesday – About Catholics

Shrove Tuesday – Got Questions

What is the origin of Fat Tuesday / Mardi Gras? – Got Questions

Mardi Gras History Mardi Gras New Orleans

The Mailbag: Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

White Paper: Roman Catholicism (RCC) – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research

Christian Liberty – Podcast: A Word Fitly Spoken


Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Are Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent Biblical?
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