Glad You Asked: Discernment – Part 2

It’s time for another great episode of hearing from our listeners and answering your insightful questions in part 2 of this two part Glad You Asked addressing questions of discernment. 

  • Help! The speaker for our women’s conference works for TGC.
  • Bringing The Chosen into the church?
  • My friend says her favorite false teacher “loves Jesus” as much as we do. What do I say?
  • Should I stop following Daily Grace Co.?
  • Thoughts on Greg Laurie?
  • Should I attend a funeral at a cultic “church”?
  • How do I approach a loved one about the false teacher/doctrine she’s following without offending her?
  • How do I approach my church leaders about the false teacher/doctrine they’re allowing in our church?
  • How can I vet a teacher to see if she’s a false teacher?


Glad You Asked: Discernment- part 1

The Chosen- parts 1-3

The Daily Grace Co. – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Roman Catholicism: Mass Confusion

Truth and Love – with Mike Gendron

What Do Unity Churches Believe?

Praying Together vs Fervent and The War Room

Greg Laurie, Calvary Chapel, and New Catholic National Shrine for Marian Apparitions

Greg Laurie and the SBC: “Surely Becoming Charismatic”

Azusa Now, Catholics and…Greg Laurie?

Greg Laurie promotes Furtick’s new book

Azusa Redux: Lou Engle, Greg Laurie uniting denominations?

Addressing Objections to Discernment- Parts 1-4

Doing Discernment

AWFS Discernment episodes

How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers

Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment (Bible Study)- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Words with Friends

Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: Discernment - Part 2

One Response to Glad You Asked: Discernment – Part 2

  1. timi from WI April 12, 2024 at 9:14 pm #

    Thank you so much ladies! So grateful for your ministry, and for this incredibly insightful and edifying episode! The TGC stuff you shared was so helpful!Thankful to have been able to share with a friend!

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