What do I do when I feel far from God? Should Christians practice yoga? What is the Raindrop Technique of administering essential oils, and is it biblical? We’re answering these questions and more on this episode of Glad You Asked!
How do the elements of the Passover Seder point to Christ?– Got Questions
What constitutes marriage according to the Bible?– Got Questions
The Christian and Essential Oils?– Naomi’s Table
A Scriptural Basis for Raindrop Technique– Raindrop Messenger (WARNING: This is not a doctrinally sound resource. We include it only so you can familiarize yourself with the way Raindrop practitioners twist Scripture to make this practice seem biblical.)
Healing Oils of the Bible– Christian Answers for the New Age.
My Response to Holy Yoga– Amy Spreeman
White Paper: Yoga– Berean Research
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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