BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is a parachurch Bible study ministry with local study groups all over the world. BSF has long been considered by many to be solid and biblical, but over the last several years a number of red flags have been raised. Lara Swanson saw many of those red flags, which led to her leaving her position with BSF. Tonight, she’s here to share her story with you.
Leaving BSF 2023: Testimony from a former teacher– Berean Research
BSF Leader resigns; warns members about 2018 Study– Berean Research
BSF, Jesus Calling and a plea from the heart– Berean Research
White Papers on Contemplative Prayer and Spiritual Formation – Berean Research
BSF as a “Vision-Casting” ministry? An open letter from a leader at Naomi’s Table
Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

So sad to learn about this downturn of BSF. I belonged to BSF in the 80’s. Was a children’s leader, secretary, and then the class administrator. I loved BSF. This news breaks my heart.
I too departed for very similar reason. Decades of dedication.
BSF changed my life in 1992.
Thank you for sharing this. He gives us discernment and I’m glad she recognized and knew this was wrong. We need to pray for discernment and always be aware what we hear and see. When bells and whistles start sounding telling you in your spirit something is not right, get into scripture and pray. Don’t be intimidated by the world and the evil that is creeping in churches and biblical teaching. Always watch and listen, no matter how long you’ve been at a church or known a Christian. Just trying to find a biblical church is so hard. Warn others as you can. It’s sad and surprising when you try to point it out to other Christians and they make an excuse or take up for it. Pray, read and obey. Praise God in the highest.
BSF is not working for me.
Then we would suggest you leave BSF and be fed the Word through the preaching and teaching of your church. Parachurch organizations are not necessary for Christians.
What’s wrong with understanding your temperament? I don’t get it.
Nothing is wrong with prayer and the study of God’s written Word to understand your temperament. The Enneagram, which Lara refers to in this episode, is not biblical and undermines the sufficiency of Scripture. We would encourage you to listen to our previous episodes that deal with the Enneagram if you’d like to understand why. If you’ll type “Enneagram” into the search bar, they should pop up. Thanks for listening!