We see these pseudo-Christian events and movements all the time: Asbury, Bethel, the Enneagram, IF:Gathering, ReVoice… and on and on it goes. And many of the same Scriptures are trotted out and twisted mercilessly to defend them.
These Scriptures and principles could be applied to a number of things past and present, and they will surely be pulled out and dusted off the next time a so called “Christian” event, idea, or fad pops up, so let’s take a look at them and untangle them so we’ll all be ready to explain what Scripture really says. Because the next “Asbury” – or something like it – is right around the corner.
Resolute: 2025 Answers for Women Conference- March 31-April 2 April 3-5
The Mailbag: Applying Twisted Scripture to Pseudo-Christian Events, Ideas and Fads– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Asbury, Revival, and Discernment– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
What Happened To The Asbury Revival?– Samuel Sey
The Asbury Revival: One Year Later– The Asbury Collegian
Glad You Asked: Discernment- part 1 part 2
Addressing Objections to Discernment- Parts 1-4
(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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