
Walking Worthy With A Light Yoke: Part 1

We always say at the end of every episode, “Walk Worthy.” Today’s topic is one that should bring comfort and conviction about how to do that in a way that honors Christ.  In John 14:15, Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” So what did Jesus command? He wasn’t talking about keeping the Old Testament Law, nor was He telling us we need to have a works-based salvation to get into Heaven, but as an act of obedience, love, and reverence for our Savior.

Bible Verses: Mark 11:25-26 Matthew 3:2 Matthew 3:8 John 15:4 Matt 5:14-16 Matt 5:25

Matt 5:29-30 Matt 5:34-37 Matt 5:38-39 Matt 5:40-42 Matt 5:43-45 Matt 6:1 Matt 6:5-7 Matt 6:9-15 Matt 6:16 Matt 6:19-21 Matt 6:25-26 Matt 6:34

What did Jesus command? Amy Spreeman, Naomi’s Table

A Call to Come Out and be Found Faithful – Berean Research

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Walking Worthy With A Light Yoke: Part 1
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Don’t get trapped in conspiracy theories

Long before whispers of covert COVID operations, conspiracy theories have been rampant – and rabid. Should we as Christians spend time looking into the Illuminati, secret societies or symbols and codes in music and movies, or buying into the flat earth theory? What about vaccines and doomsday prophecies? What about 5-G towers and injections that might maybe be the Mark of the Beast? Amy and Michelle look at conspiracies through the lens of Truth.

Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Should a Christian be interested in conspiracy theories?– Got Questions

Christians and Conspiracy Theories – Sola Sisters


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Don't get trapped in conspiracy theories
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7 Ways to Mortify Irritability

Have you been struggling with the stress of stay at home orders – not being able to go to church, or get your hair cut, or visit loved ones in the nursing home or hospital? It seems that all of this upheaval in normal, day to day life has produced a constant low-grade stress and anxiety. It’s enough to make anybody irritable! And quarantine or no quarantine, irritability is something we can all struggle with from time to time. Listen in as Amy and Michelle discuss seven biblical and practical ways to mortify the sin of irritability.

Time is running out to register for our webinar Discerning Women Learn to Discern! We hope you can join us!

Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Irritability: 7 Ways to Fight the Red-Eyed Monster– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Fruit of Patience– R.C. Sproul

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
7 Ways to Mortify Irritability
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What are Essentials and Non Essentials?

When it comes to doctrine, what are essentials and what are the non-essentials, or secondary issues? When Christians speak about essentials, what they’re talking about is the fundamentals of our faith, and what we believe about God that makes us His own. These are the doctrines which you, biblically, have to believe in order to become a Christian and/or be considered a Christian. So what are some issues over which Christians can disagree and still maintain close doctrinal fellowship?

Check out our upcoming webinar: Discerning Women Learn to Discern!

Scriptures mentioned in this episode

John MacArthur Answers His Critics – Tim Challies

In the Christian faith, what issues are truly worth debating? – Got Questions

Unity Across Denominational Lines – Grace to You

Strange Fire Conference Videos

Women Preaching: It’s Not a Secondary Doctrinal Issue– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
What are Essentials and Non Essentials?
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How Does the Holy Spirit Lead Us?

Sometimes when we say the Bible is sufficient to guide our lives, the question arises, “What about the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit? How does that fit in with the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture?” There are so many theories and teachings about this third person of the Trinity that it’s no wonder so many people are confused about who the Spirit is, and what He actually does, and does not do.

If you’re not quite sure what it means to be lead by the Spirit, this podcast episode will clear things up – thanks to what the Scripture teaches about the Holy Spirit.

Scriptures mentioned in this episode

What is Pneumatology?– Got Questions

Contemplative Prayer or the Holy Spirit – It Can’t Be Both – Berean Research

Basic Training: 8 Steps to Finding God’s Will for Your Life– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

“Raising a Jedi: Spiritual Formation and the Force” Amy Spreeman – Berean Research

What is the immutability of God?– Got Questions

Biblical Counseling Resources– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How Does the Holy Spirit Lead Us?
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Church was never meant to be remote: Reuniting after COVID-19

Right now the vast majority of us are having to watch worship services online. And even though many of us miss fellowshiping with our brothers and sisters, we can get a little too used to the routine of sleeping a little later and plopping down on the couch with a good cup of coffee to watch church. We might even be tempted, once quarantine is over, to keep “going to church online.” Michelle and Amy discuss the importance of faithfully fellowshiping with the Body again once this is all over.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Basic Training: 7 Reasons Church is Not Optional and Non-Negotiable for Christians– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Why We Are Not Calling Our Livestream ‘Virtual Church’– Josh Buice

Why is church attendance / going to church important?– Got Questions

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Church was never meant to be remote: Reuniting after COVID-19
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Spurring each other on! COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement

Never before have we been through a nationwide quarantine in a worldwide pandemic. What better time to share some much-needed encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ? Michelle and Amy recently asked for and received our listeners’ most comforting and encouraging Scriptures, acts of kindness, prayer requests and more. This has turned out to be our favorite episode so far!


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

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A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Spurring each other on! COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement
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Isn’t the Gospel enough?

Christians believe the Word of God is inerrant; that it’s true, and that it is without error. But do you believe it is sufficient? Or are you looking for something more? More exciting, perhaps? Did you know that the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service? The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith.In this episode Amy and Michelle explain why this doctrine is so important to understand and embrace.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Basic Training: The Bible Is Sufficient– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Where is it written that God doesn’t speak audibly any more?– Naomi’s Table

Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends (info on Sarah Young/Jesus Calling, Beth Moore, Lysa TerKeurst, Priscilla Shirer)– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture?– Got Questions

Scripture is Sufficient– John MacArthur

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Isn't the Gospel enough?
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Glad You Asked! Sarah lied?, COVID-19 & church, and more!

Welcome to another “Glad You Asked” episode! Here are the listener questions we’ll be answering this time:

  1.  Since Sarah is held up to us as a woman we should strive to emulate, was she right to follow Abraham’s instructions to lie about their relationship to Pharaoh and Abimelech?
  2.  Are Believers violating Scripture by not gathering for Sunday services and other church events during COVID-19 quarantine?
  3.  How should I address a female “pastor” who introduces herself as “Pastor Beth or Joyce or Lisa”?
  4. God is bringing me out of New Apostolic Reformation heresy, but my husband is still deeply entrenched in it. How can I cope and minister to him?

We’re always collecting questions for the next Glad You Asked episode, so drop us an e-mail or social media private message with your questions any time!


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Basic Training: 7 Reasons Church is Not Optional and Non-Negotiable for Christians– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Jill in the Pulpit– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) – Berean Research, Amy Spreeman

The Mailbag: What is the New Apostolic Reformation?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Biblical Counseling Resources– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked! Sarah lied?, COVID-19 & church, and more!
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“You’re slandering that teacher!” Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 4

In this final episode in our series, Michelle and Amy address three more objections to discernment when warning about false teachers:

  1. “You’re slandering that teacher by warning against her!”
  2. “You’re being unkind, unloving, ungodly, hateful, self-righteous, mean, critical, etc. for calling out false teachers.

  3. You’re judging that teacher! The Bible says not to judge!”

Be sure to catch Episode 1 here,  2 here and 3 here.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Women Preaching the Gospel– A Word Fitly Spoken

Do you love the deceived? – Naomi’s Table

What does the Bible say about slander?– Got Questions

Heresy Hunter is a pejorative for “troublemaker” Naomi’s Table

Discernment IS Love– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do with It?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
"You’re slandering that teacher!" Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 4
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“Just chew the meat and spit out the bones!” Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 3

In this episode, Michelle and Amy address two more objections to discernment when warning about false teachers:

  1. “That teacher may not always be right but that doesn’t mean she’s a false teacher. We all get things wrong!”
  2. “Maybe this teacher says some things that are wrong, biblically, but she says some good things, too. I just ‘chew up the meat and spit out the bones.'”

Be sure to catch Episode 1 here, and 2 here.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Steven Furtick Teaches Modalism – Issues, Etc. (podcast) with Chris Rosebrough

What is modalism / Modalistic Monarchianism? – Got Questions

Let’s stop snuggling the wolves – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research

Basic Training: Being Berean- 8 Steps for Comparing Teaching to Scripture – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
"Just chew the meat and spit out the bones!" Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 3
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“You’re creating division and disunity!” Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 2

In this episode, Michelle and Amy address two more objections to discernment when warning about false teachers:

  1. “But look how many people this teacher is helping! I’ve grown so much in my relationship with the Lord because of her!”
  2. “You’re creating division and disunity by speaking out against that teacher.”

Be sure to catch Episode 1 here.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Let’s stop petting the wolves – Amy Spreeman Archives

Women and False Teachers: Why Men Don’t Get It, and Why It’s Imperative That They Do– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment Hysteria and the God Who Wins– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
"You’re creating division and disunity!" Addressing Objections to Discernment- Part 2
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“But you’re a girl!” Addressing Objections to Discernment – Part 1

“You say that this female Bible teacher is in disobedience to Scripture because she preaches to men. You’re just as guilty because you have a blog and social media pages that men can read!”

In this episode, Michelle and Amy take on a common objection to naming false teachers, and that is the idea that women ought not do podcasts, blogs or post on social media if their content has Scripture. Nonsense! Tune in and find out why.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Rock Your Role: Jill in the Pulpit (1 Timothy 2:11-12)– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
"But you're a girl!" Addressing Objections to Discernment - Part 1
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“But did you go to him in private?” A look at Matthew 18

Have you ever had to confront a brother or sister in Christ about their sin against you? In this episode we are going to examine a section of the book of Matthew, in chapter 18: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone.” But does this apply in every situation? Nope. One of the biggest misunderstandings of applying this particular scripture to how we are to talk and warn about teachings that are not biblical is the idea that we need to go to the teacher first, in private.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Editorial On Abusing Matthew 18 – D.A. Carson

Matthew 18 and the Universal Church – Josh Buice

Shouldn’t We Share Our Concerns About a Book Directly with the Author Instead of in the Public Forum? – Randy Alcorn

Church Discipline: Matthew 18 – Grace Church

Touch Not My Anointed? – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
"But did you go to him in private?" A look at Matthew 18
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6 Ways Pastors Can Protect Their Churches from False Doctrine

When Christians build a church building, we don’t usually erect a wall around it, but there’s a very real enemy we need to keep out and protect ourselves from – false doctrine. There’s a huge need for this in the church today, and unfortunately, some churches have left themselves vulnerable to attack, and the enemy has already infiltrated and taken over. In this episode Michelle and Amy discuss some foundational ways pastors can build a wall – an invisible, spiritual wall – around their churches to keep false doctrine out and to protect their congregations from being attacked by this vicious enemy.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Fighting Off the Wolves – Berean Research

What is Discernment? – Berean Research

Build the Wall and Station a Guard: A Plea for Pastors to Protect 6 Areas of the Church Vulnerable to False Doctrine – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

McBible Study and the Famine of God’s Word – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Mailbag: What is the New Apostolic Reformation? – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Why Our Church No Longer Plays Bethel or Hillsong Music (or Elevation or Jesus Culture), and Neither Should Yours – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Mailbag: False Doctrine in Contemporary Christian Music – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Hillsong’s Theology of Music and Worship – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Heresy in Plain Sight: Examining the Theology of Hillsong Music – Pirate Christian Radio

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
6 Ways Pastors Can Protect Their Churches from False Doctrine
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A patriotic Gospel? Putting politics in perspective

This episode is going to get political, but not in the way you might think. We are just at the beginning phase of the election season, a time when our country here in the United States is in a frenzy over who ought to be our next president For many Christians, it’s a time when politics and pundits eclipse everything else.  The trap that we can fall into is that we can become so busy reclaiming America that we forget we’re here to proclaim Christ.  Amy and Michelle go to Scripture to put politics and patriotism in perspective.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research

6 Hallmarks of the NAR Church – Pirate Christian Radio (podcast)

What is the seven mountain mandate, and is it biblical? – Got Questions

The Mailbag: How Should Christians Vote? – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
A patriotic Gospel? Putting politics in perspective
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Excommunicating the Elderly: Kicking Wisdom to the Curb

Are there too many persnickety old people in your church? Do you long to reshuffle the congregational deck and get some young blood in the pews? Is your church “dying” because there just aren’t enough millennials making your church hip and cool? Recently a church in Minnesota made national news headlines for doing just that – and even secular media took notice! In this episode, Amy and Michelle discuss why this is not only a bad idea, it’s unbiblical.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Twin Cities News story: Church to usher out gray-haired members in effort to attract more young parishioners

What is the Purpose Driven Movement?

Is church for seekers or saints?

Seeker-Sensual Church Growth

Shocking results of the Church Growth model
The Seeker-Friendly, Purpose Driven Cornucopia of False Doctrine  
Dear Church—Don’t Overlook and Undervalue the Elderly Josh Buice
A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Excommunicating the Elderly: Kicking Wisdom to the Curb
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Women Preaching the Gospel?

Words stand for something, right? The words we use in our Christian faith used to be fairly clear cut, but over the last few years some definitions seem to have become somewhat murky: evangelism, preaching, and how Christian women biblically fit into that equation.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Rock Your Role Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What’s in a name? The meaning and origin of “complementarianism” CBMW

The Beauty of Biblically Broad Complementarianism Kevin DeYoung

Good News! (The Gospel) A Word Fitly Spoken

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Women Preaching the Gospel?
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Do not let your hearts be troubled

It is not God’s will for us to worry. No matter how strangling our fear may feel, God wants us to trust Him in everything, from the most dire situation to the most mundane. But how can we do that? In this episode Michelle and Amy discuss some biblical and practical ways to stop worrying and start trusting God.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

“Fear not” Scriptures

“Do not be afraid” Scriptures

Fear Not ~ 9 Biblical Ways to Trade Worry for Trust Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Do You Trust God with Your Kids?: 8 Ways to Parent Your Children Like God “Parents” You Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Trust and Obey Bible Study Lesson Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What does the Bible say about worry? Got Questions

Resources on Worrying Ligonier

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Do not let your hearts be troubled
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Why is submission so scary?

The S word – it scares us doesn’t it? We’re talking about the word “Submit,” and for many women, being in submission sounds like a door to abuse.

What a comfort to know that submission doesn’t mean being abused, following a list of rules or being treated like a door mat, but it is an easy yoke that Jesus asks of all His followers. In this episode Amy and Michelle discuss why submission is mocked as a sign of weakness, but in fact is one of the strongest pillars of society.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

CBMW (type “submission” into the search bar)

Toxic (Evangelical) Femininity– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Imperishable Beauty Bible Study, Lesson 11- A Beautiful Wife– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Godly Womanhood – Submission part 1  part 2– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Unforbidden Fruits: 3 Ways Women MUST Lead and Teach the Church – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Putting on the “You Can!” of Complementarianism – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Complementarian vs Egalitarian – Naomi’s Table

Feminism: A Reversal of Biblical Standards – Naomi’s Table



A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Why is submission so scary?
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8 ways to Walk Worthy in 2020!

This is the time of year when lots of people are making (or by now, breaking) New Year’s resolutions to “be a better you.” Those resolutions tend to be very self-focused, so Michelle and Amy instead discuss some “holy habits” that every Christian ought to pursue all year long. Here are Eight Ways to Walk Worthy in 2020:

  1. Daily Bible reading/prayer
  2. Faithful church attendance
  3. Finding a place of service at your church
  4. Discernment
  5. Giving
  6. Mentoring
  7. Reaching out
  8. Fasting


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Bible Studies Naomi’s Table

Bible Studies Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Nine Helps for Starting and Sticking to Daily Bible Study Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Basic Training: 8 Things You Need to Know about Prayer Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Sweet Hour of Prayer (Bible Study on Prayer) Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Searching  for a new church? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Servanthood Survey Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Let Me Count the Ways: 75 Ways Women Can Biblically Minister to Others Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Doing Discernment A Word Fitly Spoken

Berean Research

Fighting for the Faith

Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring It Out on Your Own Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What does the Bible say about generosity? Got Questions

Discipleship Requires Relationship Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Fasting Got Questions

Fasting Grace to You (type “fasting” into the search bar)

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
8 ways to Walk Worthy in 2020!
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Glad You Asked: The Christmas Edition

Are nativity scenes and Christmas pageants violating the second commandment? What about Advent observances and candle-lighting ceremonies? And why do we celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25th anyway? These are all great questions sent to us by our listeners, so today Amy and Michelle dig into Scripture and church history to share the answers, in this “Glad You Asked” Christmas edition!


Scriptures mentioned in this episode are linked in the resources below

How December 25 Became Christmas Biblical Archaeology Review

Nativity Scenes and the Second Commandment Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Unique Ways Christmas helps us Share the Gospel A Word Fitly Spoken

10 Ways to Share the Gospel During the Holidays Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

The Mailbag: Merry “X-mas”? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What is Advent? Got Questions

Regulative vs. normative principle of worship—which viewpoint is correct? Got Questions

Christmas Mythbusters Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad You Asked: The Christmas Edition
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Unique Ways Christmas helps us Share the gospel

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again, and with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s easy for the Gospel to get lost in the shuffle. But the Great Commission never takes a vacation, and the holiday season provides some unique opportunities for sharing the gospel that we don’t have during the rest of the year.

Michelle and Amy discuss ways to share the Good News that are unique to the holiday season.


10 Ways to Share the Gospel During the Holidays Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women (most of the resources we mentioned in this episode are linked in this article) Note: In this episode (as well as in previous editions of Michelle’s article linked here), suggestion #3 was to give to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (International Mission Board). Due to pervasive corruption of various sorts in the SBC, we no longer recommend donating to any SBC entity including the IMB or LMCO.

The Gospel A Word Fitly Spoken

Bezeugen Tract Club (get 30 FREE tracts per month!)

Living Waters Tracts

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Unique Ways Christmas helps us Share the gospel
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Who doesn’t love a good cross over?

Three different podcasts come together for one giant cross over! Amy and Michelle recently joined Lauren from Tulips & Honey as well as Emily from The Aquila & Priscilla Hour. The ladies make up four different generations, and discuss Biblical discipleship from a woman’s standpoint.


Rock your Role Articles


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Who doesn't love a good cross over?
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It’s time for sound leaders to talk about abuse

Ever since the Me Too movement exploded on social media a couple of years ago, we’ve been hearing more and more heartbreaking stories of women who have experienced physical and sexual abuse. If anyone can help and should be helping victims of abuse, it ought to be the church. But, unfortunately, it seems that the people in the evangelical spotlight who are stepping up to advocate for victims are often popular false teachers.

Michelle and Amy talk about ministering to women who have experienced physical and sexual abuse.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode (plus a few more!)

From Victimhood to Victory: Biblically Helping Abused Women Heal– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Band-Aids vs. Chemotherapy: Why Suffering Women are Drawn to False Doctrine and 7 Things We Can do to Help Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Weeping with Those Who Weep Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Christ- the Suffering Servant Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Six Reasons to Rejoice that Christ is Enough in Our Suffering Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

True or False: Is Your Theology of Suffering Biblical? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

God’s Good Purposes in Suffering Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
It's time for sound leaders to talk about abuse
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Our idols aren’t cute; they’re demonic

You might not bow down to golden statues of God, but we’ve all magnified things in our lives that eclipse our love for the Lord. We know it’s wrong, but our hearts are prone to wander. Today Amy and Michelle tackle the tough subject of idolatry. Not only for us individually, but for churches, collectively.


Scriptures mentioned in this article

For the Love of God, Flee Idolatry Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Idolatry: No Turning Back Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Women’s Bible Studies Naomi’s Table

Women’s Bible Studies Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Our idols aren't cute; they're demonic
Continue Reading 5

Glad you asked, Part II

If I leave my church for doctrinal reasons, is it gossip to tell my church friends why? What’s the difference between the true sin of oppression and claims of social injustice? These are just some of the questions we get from listeners, so Michelle and Amy turn to Scripture for answers. Be sure to listen to Glad You Asked, Part I.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers A Word Fitly Spoken

Social Justice is a Liar A Word Fitly Spoken

What does the Bible say about Social Justice? Got Questions

Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs Steven Kozar

How to Leave a Church


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad you asked, Part II
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Saved? How Kanye tell?

How can we tell whether or not someone is really saved? It  can be hard to tell with someone we don’t know, like a celebrity, but even with people we know personally – family members, friends, co-workers – is there really any way to know for sure? Michelle and Amy explore what the Bible says in light of true and false conversions, and why it matters.

Resources for this episode:

Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Kanye West Confirms He Recently Converted To Christianity: ‘I Got Saved’ iHeartRADIO

Jesus is King Wikipedia

WWUTT 1067- They Did Not Believe Saul Was a Disciple? When We Understand the Text

Justin Peters’ false conversion/salvation testimony Justin Peters

Walking Away from Christ? A Word Fitly Spoken

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Saved? How Kanye tell?
Continue Reading 2

Glad you asked!

What’s a “soft” Complementarian? Is it wrong to have youth pastors or worship pastors since neither of them are specifically mentioned in the Bible? Should I serve in ministry with someone who teaches Spiritual Formation? We’re digging into our mailbag, and into Scripture to see what God’s Word has to say about these great questions.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Top 7 Reasons the Enneagram is Unbiblical A Word Fitly Spoken

Complementarianism vs. egalitarianism—which view is biblically correct? GotQuestions

Rock Your Role Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What you need to know about Spiritual Formation – Berean Research

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Glad you asked!
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Social Justice is a Liar

You may go to a church where you hear terms like intersectionality, and “woke.” In recent years we’ve seen Social Justice become an issue in the evangelical church where many teach that Social Justice is an essential part of the Gospel; and if we don’t understand that it’s a part of the Gospel, we don’t have the true Gospel at all.

Amy and Michelle show you through Scripture that Social Justice is not only NOT part of the Gospel. It is a serious hindrance to the Gospel. It actually sabotages the truth of God’s Word, and it uses God’s Word to do it.


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity” Berean Research White Paper

The Statement On Social Justice & The Gospel, September 2018

Resource Round-Up: The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Social Justice is a Liar
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How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers

Over the last few episodes, we’ve been talking about the topic of discernment – how to handle things when we encounter false teachers and false doctrine.
In our “Doing Discernment” episode, we took a look at how to determine if a teacher is trustworthy and whether or not you should be following him or her. In our “Words with Friends: How to contend with loved ones” episode, we talked about how to approach and gently warn a friend who’s following a false teacher.
But what about when false teachers or false doctrine impacts your church? What’s the right and biblical way to address it? Michelle and Amy discuss how to talk to your church leaders about false teachers.
A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
How to talk to your church leaders about false teachers
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Words with Friends: How to contend with loved ones

What do we do when our loved ones get caught up in the snare of unbiblical teachings? Should we say something?
And if so, how do we approach them in love? In this episode, Amy and Michelle discuss how to have “Words with Friends.”


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Words With Friends – Berean Examiner, Pirate Christian Radio

Clinging to the Golden Calf: 7 Godly Responses When Someone Says You’re Following a False Teacher Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do with It? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What does it mean to contend for the faith?  Got Questions

How to Contend for the Faith Grace To You

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Words with Friends: How to contend with loved ones
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Doing Discernment

How do we know if a teacher, conference speaker or book author is biblically safe? The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth. Only by being thoroughly familiar with the truth will we be able to recognize a counterfeit. In this episode, Michelle and Amy offer some practical tips on “doing discernment.”


Scriptures mentioned in this episode

Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment Resources Potpourri Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

What is Discernment? A Berean Research White Paper Amy Spreeman

Discernment Hysteria and the God Who Wins Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do with It? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

How can I recognize a false teacher? Got Questions

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Doing Discernment
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Benny Hinn and The Fruit of True Repentance

What is true repentance? In the Bible, a tax collector named Zacchaeus encountered Christ and immediately repented for stealing and lying. What does repentance look like in the lives of believers today? It should look no different than in Zacchaeus’ life!

When prosperity preacher Benny Hinn says he repents, how do we know if it’s the real deal? Michelle and Amy dig into Scripture to look at what real repentance is and is not. Note that our program today is not so much about Benny Hinn, but about how to discern true repentance from something else. However the news does give us a good springboard into this conversation.


Scriptures referenced in this episode

What does the Bible say about repentance? Got Questions

Benny Hinn’s Confession – YouTube Video

Benny Hinn’s Confession – Full Transcript

White Paper: Word of Faith (Prosperity) gospel Berean Research

Has Benny Hinn Repented? An Answer and a Plea by Justin Peters

No, Benny Hinn Has Not Repented by Gabe Hughes

Benny Hinn’s nephew ‘encouraged’ by uncle’s rejection of prosperity gospel, calls for ‘genuine repentance’ at The Christian Post

Benny Hinn Renounces His Selling of God’s Blessings. Critics Want More. at Christianity Today

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Benny Hinn and The Fruit of True Repentance
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Top 7 Reasons the Enneagram is Unbiblical

It’s all over social media; everybody’s talking about it, and some churches are even teaching classes on using it. The Enneagram is the latest “shiny new thing” to hit evangelicalism, but is it just a harmless personality test, or is there a more sinister side to this popular fad? Today, we’ll be taking a look at the Enneagram and what the Bible has to say about it.


Enneagram articles Berean Research

The New Age & Quack Spirituality Origins of the Enneagram at Fighting for the Faith (Steven Kozar’s interview with Marcia Montenegro focuses mainly on the historical origins of the Enneagram and includes additional helpful links.)

Christian Answers for the New Age (CANA) Facebook Page Marcia Montenegro (Marcia frequently posts informative Facebook articles on the Enneagram. You do not have to have a Facebook account to see them.)

Christian Answers for the New Age (CANA) Website Marcia Montenegro (Scroll down to “E” for Enneagram articles.)

Girl, What’s Your Number: The Enneagram Episode Sheologians

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Top 7 Reasons the Enneagram is Unbiblical
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Christians and Pornography: What goes on in your mind?

On this episode of A Word Fitly Spoken, Amy and Michelle are covering a topic that’s a little sensitive – pornography – and even though we’re not going to be graphic in any way, this episode might be one you’d rather listen to without the kids around.

Pornography is such a plague on society in general, and, unfortunately, even Christian men and women have been tempted into using it. What can you do if your spouse is addicted to these images, or is having an emotional affair? What if you’re the one who is caught in the snare of sexual immorality?

As always, we’ll be looking first and foremost at what the Bible has to say, since the Bible is our authority as Christians.


Scriptures teaching that using pornography is a sin and Scriptures about contentment (be sure to study all of these in context)

Biblical Resources on Pornography Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Should Christian Couples Watch Pornography Together? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Is lust a sin for women, too? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Christians and Pornography: What goes on in your mind?
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Is This Church For You?

Do biblical churches exist? How do we avoid churches that are incorporating unbiblical teaching into their services and programs? The good news is that you can find a doctrinally sound church, if you are willing to do some investigating. Amy and Michelle discuss what that looks like, and questions you’ll want to ask.


Searching for a New Church? Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Church shopping? 35 Key Questions to Ask the Church Berean Research

Hillsong writer: “I’m genuinely losing my faith”


A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Is This Church For You?
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Walking Away from Christ?

Can one kiss Christianity goodbye? In other words, what do we make of a celebrity preacher and author who has lead people to true salvation, but then declares he himself is no longer a Christian? How is that even possible?

It happened recently to a man who has made headlines, but you need to know this happens a lot more frequently than you might think.

In this debut episode of A Word Fitly Spoken, Michelle and Amy discuss what the Bible has to say about losing your faith.


Kissing Christianity Goodbye Carl R. Trueman, First Things

Why Are We Shocked? Naomi’s Table

Can a Christian lose salvation? GotQuestions

If our salvation is eternally secure, why does the Bible warn so strongly against apostasy? GotQuestions

Am I Really Saved? A 1 John Check Up MichelleLesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

True or False? A Study in 1 John Naomi’s Table

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Walking Away from Christ?
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