When Christians build a church building, we don’t usually erect a wall around it, but there’s a very real enemy we need to keep out and protect ourselves from – false doctrine. There’s a huge need for this in the church today, and unfortunately, some churches have left themselves vulnerable to attack, and the enemy has already infiltrated and taken over. In this episode Michelle and Amy discuss some foundational ways pastors can build a wall – an invisible, spiritual wall – around their churches to keep false doctrine out and to protect their congregations from being attacked by this vicious enemy.
Scriptures mentioned in this episode
Fighting Off the Wolves – Berean Research
What is Discernment? – Berean Research
Build the Wall and Station a Guard: A Plea for Pastors to Protect 6 Areas of the Church Vulnerable to False Doctrine – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
McBible Study and the Famine of God’s Word – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
The Mailbag: What is the New Apostolic Reformation? – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Why Our Church No Longer Plays Bethel or Hillsong Music (or Elevation or Jesus Culture), and Neither Should Yours – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
The Mailbag: False Doctrine in Contemporary Christian Music – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Hillsong’s Theology of Music and Worship – Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Heresy in Plain Sight: Examining the Theology of Hillsong Music – Pirate Christian Radio

For books, our church uses ilpb or interleague publication board as well as premier printing. Have you heard of these
Hi Jackie- Do you mean books for Bible study/Sunday school/small group studies? I’m not familiar with them. I’m not sure whether Amy is or not.
Personally, I recommend that classes study straight from the Bible. (See my article “McBible Study and the Famine of God’s Word” in the show notes.)
I really have been enjoying your podcasts. I started listening when a friend mentioned a tweet by Michelle. I started at the first podcast and have been working through all of them. This podcast is the first one that disappointed me. You have talked about women not teaching men, yet this podcast is directed to men. Why didn’t you present it as things for women to look for and appreciate in the church they attend.
Hi Susan,
Michelle and I would be the first to say that we do not endorse women teaching men, nor do we teach men.
1 Timothy 2:12 is clear about that. We also do know that podcasts and blog posts in general do not usurp that authority, unless they are specifically Bible teaching podcasts/blogs. We do have men who access our material (including very biblically sound pastors), who are looking for content to recommend to their wives/women’s ministries and so forth. They want to make sure that we are faithful to the Word – and not crossing any theological lines. When we have episodes where we are explicitly teaching women studies in the Bible, we note that. But when we are having a discussion outside of church about trends in the church, what to look for, warnings of false teachings, etc., men are not sitting under our teaching nor are we having any kind of authority over them. Michelle wrote a really good article on this: Are Female Bloggers Violating Scripture by “Teaching” Men?
Also, if you haven’t heard this one yet – give it a listen:
Thanks again for listening. Let us know if this helps!