In this episode, Michelle and Amy address two more objections to discernment when warning about false teachers:
- “But look how many people this teacher is helping! I’ve grown so much in my relationship with the Lord because of her!”
- “You’re creating division and disunity by speaking out against that teacher.”
Be sure to catch Episode 1 here.
Scriptures mentioned in this episode
Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Let’s stop petting the wolves – Amy Spreeman Archives
Women and False Teachers: Why Men Don’t Get It, and Why It’s Imperative That They Do– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Discernment Hysteria and the God Who Wins– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

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Thank you! I really appreciated the reminder that when one speaks in love regarding false teaching, they are not the one causing division. The false teaching/teacher is! I needed to be reminded of this.