Amy Spreeman recently sat down with our good friend Dave Jenkins on his podcast called Contending for the Word to talk about the marks of theological liberalism, or as it’s more commonly known, “Progressive Christianity.” What do Christians need to know about this movement seeping into many churches, and how can we contend for the faith?
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
• Four ways progressives have redefined biblical Christianity
• The history of the Emergent church conversation and how it led to the progressive “Christian” movement
• What a theology from above versus a theology from below means and how to spot it
• What Progressives say about themselves and why it matters
• The marks of theological liberalism
• What Christians do about theological liberalism
Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity”– Amy Spreeman, Berean Research
Contending for the Word Podcast Episode
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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