Cessationism has to do with whether all of the spiritual gifts given by God to Believers that we read about in the New Testament are for Christians today. It is a controversial topic for a lot of people. Many of you may be familiar with the 2023 documentary film, Cessationist, and today we’re excited to welcome our brother who wrote and narrated Cessationist, David Lovi.
Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
God Doesn’t Whisper with Jim Osman
God Doesn’t Whisper to Me, Either
Transcripts are available at our YouTube channel and on the Apple Podcasts app.
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I agree with David Lovi, in that tongues is the beautiful story of God sending the gospel message to the whole world! It was a more than awesome work of God to reverse the curse of Babel. To attribute what passes for the “gift of tongues” today to God is a horrible violation of the 3rd commandment of taking the Lords’s name in vain (carrying it to vanity). And, now that I think of it, they make an idol out of it, too! So, 2nd commandment violation as well. It isn’t just a cessationist/continuationist issue. These are sins that need to be repented! IMHO. The same goes for “prophecy” and “healing” “ministries.” To say that I feel strongly may be an understatement.