Exposing John and Lisa Bevere

In this episode we are covering a very important discernment discussion on a popular couple who is deceiving so many people around the world. Their names are John and Lisa Bevere, and Michelle Lesley recently sat down with our good friend Dave Jenkins on his podcast called Contending for the Word to talk about why you shouldn’t be following these false teachers. Dave has graciously allowed us to bring this episode to our audience because many women follow the Beveres.

What You’ll Hear on This Episode

  • Concerns about John’s understanding of biblical repentance
  • What biblical repentance entails and means for the non-Christian and the Christian.
  • The dangers of deliverance ministry and why this teaching is so concerning.
  • The dangers of “legal rights” and the security the Christian has because of Christ.


Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan’s story – Amy Spreeman – Berean Research

Transcripts are available at our YouTube channel and on the Apple Podcasts app.

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Exposing John and Lisa Bevere

4 Responses to Exposing John and Lisa Bevere

  1. Ben December 29, 2024 at 1:47 pm #

    Agreed, but as to what the Bible states, have you guys confronted them? Showed them via scripture the mistakes made?

  2. Dawn March 5, 2025 at 8:14 am #

    I have hears very different messages from the Bevere’s than what you presented as well as interpreting them very differently. I do, however, appreciate your message as there are many false gospels out there that have been very deceptive hurting the church.

    • A Word Fitly Spoken March 6, 2025 at 11:34 am #

      Hi Dawn- Thank you for your kind words. Yes there certainly are, and the Beveres are in that group. I have recently written an article that goes into far more detail about the Beveres and their heresy. (You can find it here.) It’s important to remember that Scripture – not our opinions or interpretations – determines whether or not someone is a heretic (and I’m using that term biblically, not in a haphazard or exaggerating way). And according to Scripture, the Beveres are heretics with whom Christians who want to be obedient to God’s Word should have nothing to do.

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