Welcome to the final episode of our 3 part series on Dying, Death, and Funerals. Death is a subject most people usually try to avoid, but, as Christians, we want to be sure we’re thinking biblically about it, and that we keep our focus on our hope in Christ. Today, our final episode is a Glad You Asked episode answering your questions about dying, death, and funerals.
Dying, Death, and Funerals- Part 1 Part 2
Aging with Grace
Michelle’s article on what to do with ashes
On Funerals, Grieving, and Suffering– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
The Mailbag: Ministering to the Bereaved-Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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