Have you been hearing more talk lately about whether Christian women should wear head coverings? Some churches believe and teach, based on 1 Corinthians 11, that women should wear some sort of covering on their heads during any sort of worship service. Are head coverings a biblical requirement for women? Michelle and Amy dig into the context of Scripture to find out.
Rock Your Role: A Head of the Times- Head Coverings for Christian Women? (1 Corinthians 11:1-16)– Michelle Lesley: Discipleship for Christian Women
Women Undercover– No Trash, Just Truth podcast
Should Christian women wear head coverings?– Got Questions
Head Coverings for Women– John MacArthur
Addressing the Dressing III: Clothes and Roman Culture by Lyndon Unger
Addressing the Dressing IV: Hair and Roman Culture by Lyndon Unger
1 Corinthians 11:2-16- An Interactive Bible Study by Lyndon Unger
Does 1 Corinthians 11:4-5 mean a woman should never ever cut her hair? at CARM
It’s a Shame for a Man to Have Long Hair? by WWUTT (When We Understand the Text)
Why Don’t You Wear a Head Covering? at G3 Ministries
Headcoverings by Reagan Escude Scott
1 Corinthians 11:1-16 – Episode 1566, 1567, 1568 by Gabriel Hughes on the WWUTT Podcast
Steve Lawson on Head Coverings
Head Coverings, Women Teachers, and Patriarchy with Costi Hinn and Owen Strachan on the For the Gospel Podcast
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

Not listened to much of your podcasts, but found your ones on modesty, and saw thus one.
Have to disagree, Headcovering / Uncovering is one of the very few actual prescri Ed worship practices given in Christianity (I speak of specific practices, not things like giving, or moral issues), the others being baptism, the supper, and the anointing with oil for healing and forgiveness. Paul commended the Corinthians for following it, noting they followed a practice of all the churches of Christ (which certainly went far beyond Greece or Corinth), then he provides more reasons.
He does argue from a culture, but it is not Corinth’s (a trade town with a polyglot of cultures, likely similar to SF), but with the Culture of Creation, and more specifically, creation before the fall.
And he promotes the requirement at specific times, essencially times of communal worship. Prophecy is the key here. Paul provides for women to pray or prophecy, but both requires that prophecy be evaluated, and commands women to sulence. Therefore it is not to hard to guess who must do the evaluation (50 50 chance, and 50 percent of the options are eliminated).and Paul gives the criteria for evaluation when he said the church is built on the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles.
When you consider the focus of prophecy in the NT seems to be more focused individually and/or locally (remember, encourage, exhort, or comfort), and actually rarely noted beyond an area (one famine, out of likely multiple prophecies, if Paul has to limit it to two or three), there does not seem to be much room for those history spanning Words of old.
And what a responsibility (not shared) put on men, to correctly evaluate and apply what is God’s word, and to be held accountable (also not shared) for their errors, or cessationist refusals (sorry, no escape from this) to judge these prophecies.
And it tended to call out men at that time