What would you do if:
- A man dressed as a woman comes to your ladies Bible study?
- A friend was experiencing some kind of demonic oppression or possession?
- The only place large enough to have your loved one’s funeral is in an unsound church?
- A homeschool mom’s husband dies, and she is considering going back to work and putting her kids in public schools?
- Your pro-abortion family members want to engage with you in a debate?
Michelle and Amy seek wisdom from Scripture to discuss biblical options for scenarios like these.
Angels, Demons, Spiritual Warfare– Berean Research
Dominionism (NAR)– Berean Research
How Deliverance Ministries Lead People to Bondage– Berean Research
Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry”– Berean Research
Victims of Bill Johnson’s SOZO Ministry speak out– Berean Research
Guess who’s coming to (the women’s ministry) dinner?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
NOW are you ready to homeschool?
Send Amy WWYD questions to ask Michelle: [email protected]
Send Michelle WWYD questions to ask Amy
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

I have friends going in opposite but equally unbiblical directions. One friend is attending an ELCA church and several others are following NAR teachers. I have let the friendships lapse, but I wonder how I should proceed all in the name of “unity.” Thank you!
Hi Erin- We can’t be unified in a biblical way with those who subscribe to false doctrine. (See 1 Cornthians 5:9-13, 2 Corinthians 6:14ff, Romans 16:17-18, etc.) You can still be kind to them and urge them to forsake the false doctrine they’re following, but they will likely end up rejecting you, and that’s OK. Jesus told us that would happen (Matthew 10:34-38). You might find our episode, Words With Friends, to be helpful.