Remember the ABC reality TV show from a few years ago called “What would you do?”Or the board game called “Scruples?” Christians can often find themselves in all sorts of sticky situations. We might try to use the world’s wisdom to figure out what we’d do in different scenarios, but a better way is to use a biblical foundation and wisdom from God. In this episode, Michelle and Amy ask each other, “What would YOU do?”
Let us know in the comments if you’ve played along with us!
Glad You Asked: The COVID Edition – A Word Fitly Spoken Podcast
The Reformation Project (Matthew Vines)
Matthew Vines quietly holds private meetings with Christian leaders – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research
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Michelle and Amy,
I was on Twitter and a Christian had just lost their child. I was astonished at the answers other Christians were saying. I patiently read the comments waiting for the one that said what I wanted to say. It never came. I heard about Angels and children being innocent and perfect. I answered them honestly: we’re born in sin and conceived in iniquity. If that child was of the Elect then yes, it was in Heaven, if not then no. Almost everyone else was lying to this Father. Was I wrong with the truth? I enjoyed the podcast. Thanks.
As a parent who has experienced this kind of loss, I would not encourage lying but I would also not encourage saying “Your baby might not be elect.” It is, at a minimum, extremely insensitive. This is not the time to come swinging the hammer on theology.
While I have heard a number of theologically incorrect things since my daughter died regarding children who pass on, you can just say “I’m sorry for your loss and I will pray for you.”