Did you know that the nine “types” in the enneagram actually came from an occultist and his “spirit guide?” The popularity of the enneagram teachings in mainline and mega churches has exploded in the past year as more celebrity preachers are giving this unbiblical trend a green light.
Amy and Michelle sat down with our special guest, Marcia Montenegro, co-author of the book, Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret.
Marcia once was steeped in Eastern spirituality and the New Age and was heavily involved –even seen as an expert –in Astrology. God in His mercy saved her out of all of that and her testimony is a must-read. You can find that on her website, Christian Answers for the New Age.
Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret – Book Website: Marcia Montenegro
Top 7 Reasons the Enneagram is Unbiblical– A Word Fitly Spoken Podcast
Christian Answers For the New Age – Marcia’s Facebook page
Enneagram articles Berean Research
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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