Welcome to the May 2023 edition of The Pew, where we address current events – inside and outside the church – from a biblical perspective. In this episode:
- Can women teach the Bible to other women?
- SatanCon
- The 2023 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention
- Notorious abortionist, Leroy Carhart, has died
- Depression in older women
- National Day of Prayer
- The Christian Nationalism Debate
Should Women Teach Theology to Other Women? Part 1 Part 2– Dale Partridge
SBC Annual Meeting Informational Website
SBC Annual Meeting Introductory Video
The Mailbag: Where can I get info on #SBC23?
Rick Warren– Berean Research
Stats on antidepressant use in older women
Now Are You Ready to Homeschool?
Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart dead at 81– Live Action
Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – Carhart– Live Action
Christian Nationalism– G3 Podcast
Christian Nationalism: A Baptist Heritage of Public & Political Theology– The Sword and the Trowel
What’s Up with the National Day of Prayer?– Holly Pivec
The National (Take A Verse Out Of Context) Day of Prayer– Berean Research
Ronnie Floyd to preside over National Day of Prayer– Berean Research
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

I really like The Pew! Very informative!
Thanks, Debbie! :0)
I have been leading ladies through the book of James, something about it has not been sitting right, I think what Dale has said is why!
There has always been a part of me that does not enjoy or learn from women teachers, I’ve tried, but there is always something that is uncomfortable in it. I do greatly enjoy Elisabeth Elliot, but it seems that she does teach women based more on that verse in Timothy.
I actually agree with Dale Partridge and I have never heard his view until right now. With the next ladies study I plan to use Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology book to teach and I will just facilitate which seems to fit perfectly right into what Dale was saying. I won’t be teaching, but leading discussion based on what was taught in the book.
Love what you ladies are doing!!! Thank you thank you!! I always have such a difficult time understanding how people cannot lovingly and respectfully disagreeing between Christians.
God Bless Sisters!