In this episode we’re launching what we hope will be a regularly recurring feature here at AWFS. We’re calling it “The Pew.”
On each episode of The Pew, Amy and Michelle will collect a few trending topics that we’ll share and react to. Kind of like a non-annoying, Christian version of The View – all of the Joy, none of the Behar. But, unlike The View, we don’t want to focus too much on worldly carnage, because our main focus should always be on Jesus and what our God says to us through His Holy Word.
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!
Prophecy Bingo! with Chris Rosebrough
What Has Christianity Come To?
Meet the Taxpayer-Funded Group Pushing ‘Transgender Identity’ on Two-Year-Olds– The Washington Free Beacon
The Mailbag: Resources for Pastor Appreciation Month– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Rapture Date Revealed– I Am Watchful
Is September 24 the end of the world (as we know it)?– Fox 5 New York
Rapture 2022 revealed… September 28th– Repentance Call
Chris Tomlin Promotes False Teacher Joyce Meyer– G3 Ministries
An Open Letter from John MacArthur to Governor Newsom– Grace to You
John MacArthur Addresses Governor Newsom– Grace to You
Joyce Meyer’s “Love Life” Conference
Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Hurricane Relief– Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, Florida (Tom Ascol, of Founders Ministries, pastors GBC)

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