Have you ever thought God was talking to you in your mind? Maybe a friend has said, “God told me such and such,” or “God showed me something” in a dream or a vision. Does God speak to people audibly today like He spoke to Moses, the prophets, and a few others in Scripture?
All of those ways people think God is speaking to them are called “extra-biblical revelation” – things that God is supposedly revealing to them outside the pages of the Bible. But as Michelle and Amy share what God Himself tells us – in the Bible – that He communicates with Christians through His sufficient written Word.
Basic Training: The Bible Is Sufficient– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Sufficiency of Scripture – Amy Spreeman, Naomi’s Table
Social Justice is an Attack on the Sufficiency of Scripture – Berean Research
Discernment Made Easy: A List of Celebrity Christians Who Declare The Bible Insufficient – Berean Research
What is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture?– Got Questions
More on our website, A Word Fitly Spoken
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

Good show. Please also see “God Doesn’t Whisper” by Jim Osman
Great book!
Great podcast.
But what about what Hebrews 3:7,15,4:7?
What does “hear his voice” mean hear?
Thank you
Hi Jodi- Thanks for listening! If you’ll take a look at the cross-references in your Bible for those three verses, you’ll notice that they are all quotes of Psalm 95:7-8, so I would encourage you to go back and read Psalm 95 in its entirety for more background. In a nutshell, the author of Hebrews is saying not to reject the call of God to repent and believe the gospel. The people he’s talking to would have “heard God’s voice” calling them to repent and believe through their knowledge of Old Testament Scripture and through the apostles’ preaching of the gospel. The author of Hebrews also says in 4:12 that the Word of God is living and active. God literally, supernaturally works through His written Word.