What is Spiritual Formation? It’s a movement started 40 years ago with by Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline: The path to spiritual growth.
The movement appealed to many churches a decade ago, and is now experiencing a resurgence as more churches embrace this model. Amy and Michelle discusses how Spiritual Formation has some unbiblical practices, unbiblical origins, an unbiblical view of man’s human condition, and the risk of having spiritual experiences that are not from God.
What you need to know about Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Disciplines – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research White Paper
Spiritual Disciplines and the Appearance of Wisdom – Berean Research
The true spiritual direction of “Spiritual Formation” – Berean Research
“Raising a Jedi: Spiritual Formation and the Force” – Amy Spreeman
Out of Formation: Spiritual Disciplines of God and Men – Book by Gary Gilly
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

Love the podcast, keep speaking truth!! We have a free book on this very topic on own website if you are interested.