What is prayer? How can I be sure I’m doing it right? And why don’t I want to at times?
Many of us have learned some unbiblical things about prayer, and we’ve developed some ungodly attitudes toward prayer. Michelle and Amy discuss why it is that many of us struggle with our prayer life.
“Where is it written that God doesn’t speak audibly anymore?” By Beth Seifert, Naomi’s Table
Soaking Prayer: Please don’t get soaked, Amy Spreeman
What Links Breath Prayer, “Practicing the Presence” and Yoga? Berean Research
What is Contemplative Prayer? Berean Research
Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry” Berean Research
What is Word of Faith? Berean Research
What is the New Apostolic Reformation? Berean Research
Basic Training: 8 Things You Need to Know about Prayer– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
After this Manner, Therefore Pray– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Can We Talk?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Sweet Hour of Prayer- A Bible Study on Prayer– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Prayer– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Thank you for this. I have prayed for over 43 years for my husband to return to his first love for the Lird, especially now that his health is not good. You have helped me understand that fervent prayer doesn’t have to be repetitious.
Also…I read somewhere that the Thees and Thous of KJV were actually used in common speech, not reserved for people of importance back in those days.
We will join you in praying for your husband. May God soften this man’s heart and bring him to an everlasting faith.