Thank you to our listeners who submitted these questions for our latest Glad You Asked episode! Amy and Michelle share biblical insights on these issues:
- How do you submit to your husband when he isn’t leading your family the way he should?
- Should we avoid musicians who perform at conferences given by false teachers?
- Can we serve as board members for public libraries?
- How can I biblically honor my unsaved father when his life choices are far from respectable?
- Should a Christian woman stay in an abusive relationship, whether it is physical, spiritual or emotional abuse?
- How long does it take for wounds from dangerous teachings like the New Apostolic Reformation and Word of Faith movement to heal?
More Glad You Asked podcasts to come! Keep submitting your questions.
Dallas Willard’s response to our Spiritual Formation episode
Searching for a new church?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Biblical counseling resources– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
From Victimhood to Victory: Biblically Helping Abused Women Heal– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
What Your Pastor Needs to Know about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research
55 Testimonies: Leaving the NAR Church and the Aftermath – Amy Spreeman, Berean Research
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

Hi Ladies!
Thank you for your podcast and all your research shared about Biblical living and God’s Truth! It’s helped me grow so much!
I just wanted to share that I believe Dallas Willard died in 2013 so I’m not sure who tweeted you. I only know because I’ve been trying to share the truth about Spiritual Formation with a friend who practices it. We read Gary Gilley’s book together. Whoever replied at least heard the truth. I pray they repent and see the deception in it. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Thanks so much for letting us know, Kristi!