“You can be anything,” says the world, whenever a woman breaks a perceived glass ceiling. Not only do people celebrate her bravery, they elevate her to a role model for other young girls. But for Christian women and girls, it takes a lot more than two X chromosomes and a fancy job title to qualify as a role model. Michelle and Amy discuss how today’s so-called worldly role models are anything BUT good examples for our girls to follow. Are there any good role models for our daughters? Yes! And they are surprisingly easy to find.
You Don’t Need Jezebel for a Role Model– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
Who was Jezebel in the Bible?– Got Questions

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No surprise the type of women the world promotes. Jesus, please help the younger generation look to godly role models rather than powerful godless women with loud voices and eye-catching flash.
1 Timothy 5:5-15
Titus 2:3-5
Thank you Ladies.
Thanks for listening, Gwyneth! :0)