How can we be wise and discerning when false teachers start telling the world that they’ve seen the light of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ? This happened recently when preacher Todd White surprised his audience by telling them that he repented for not giving them the whole Gospel all these years. Known for his seeker-friendly messages, psychic readings and leg-lengthening “miracles,” Todd White has a massive worldwide audience who heard the true Gospel one week, but a different message the next. Michelle and Amy encourage listeners to look to God for true repentance and fruit, rather than the words people say.
Video: “God’s Heart for Humanity” Todd White, July 26, 2020 Full Episode
Video: Todd White’s August 2, 2020 sermon
Benny Hinn and the Fruit of True Repentance– A Word Fitly Spoken
Saved? How Kanye tell?– A Word Fitly Spoken
Can a False Teacher Be a Christian?– Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Wonderful, thank you ladies! Continued prayers for you Amy.
Thank you, Gina!
Interesting conversation. After the second Todd sermon we see he explained how he meant the first “I repent” sermon. This behaviour, accusing with murder the makers of the movie The American Gospel cannot be compared to the conversion of the Apostle Paul. Paul understood the gospel message, and stopped his previous message. Todd continued his and gone back to the well known ways. I don’t see change in his gospel message. (The other stuff to leave needs time, but his understanding on the gospel is not shown, not clear, not evident, as it is in Paul’s, Costi’s, Doreen’s).
Thank you for the biblical analysis of his message. Another clear reminder for every Christian of the necessity to “get into the Word and let the Word get through us”, to discern and refute false teachings and identify “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
Praise God for you, Justin Peters, John MacArthur, Steven Lawson, Costi Hinn, Doreen Virtue & others who are “contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.”
God bless you both. It’s my first time to listen as endorsed by DV.
Thanks, Jessica! Welcome aboard!