A lot of Christians have been watching the unfolding news headlines of what is happening in California and Pastor John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (GCC). Many are asking some great questions, like, are John MacArthur, the elders of GCC, and the members of GCC sinning by meeting indoors in person, and thereby disobeying the governor’s order? Why couldn’t they just try to meet in other ways? And what about the lawsuit that GCC is bringing against the state of California? Is that biblical? Michelle and Amy discuss what the Bible has to say about this topic.
Christ, Not Caesar, Is Head of the Church– Grace Community Church
Grace Community Church– Wikipedia
What does the Bible say about lawsuits / suing?– Got Questions
Updates (these happened between the time we recorded this episode and the time we posted it):
MacArthur Prevails – Judge Denies LA County’s Fourth Attempt to Shut Down Grace Community Church– Thomas More Society
Los Angeles County Yanks Parking Lot Lease Out from Under Pastor John MacArthur and Church– Thomas More Society
Note: Due to Amy’s surgery Sept. 2 and recovery, we are playing podcasting by ear. Please check out our past programs in the meantime.

Thank you. Praying that Amy has a speedy recovery.
Thank you, Tina!