What does God’s Word have to say about being single? A lot! A Christian woman who is single, regardless of whether she never married, has been divorced, is widowed, etc., can honor God in her daily life just as any married woman can. Unfortunately many single church members say they are treated as second-class citizens by their church families.
The Beauty of Single Sainthood (Excerpted from Imperishable Beauty Bible study)- Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women
What does the Bible say about a Christian staying single?– Got Questions?
Consider Staying Single – G3 Ministries
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

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Michelle thank you for this resource. What a blessing. I’ve already shared w many.
Can you share any credible info on Rebecca Brown being a false teacher?
How will I find your response?
Thanks in advance Sister.
Hi Camille- Thanks for listening. I’m afraid I’ve never heard of her. You might find our episode Doing Discernment to be helpful.