Welcome to part 2 of our 3-part series on growing older. There’s all kinds of advice out there for how to be a godly wife and how to raise your children. But rarely do you hear anything about how becoming a widow changes your life and your identity, or how much it will change your life when your children grow up and leave home, or what it’s like to grow older as a single woman. Aging really is a huge adjustment to a new season of life. In this episode we’ll be talking about some of the practical aspects of growing older.
What did you think of parts 1 & 2? In part 3, we’ll be reading your responses and thoughts, so please be sure to comment on this episode or our social media pages!
Aging with Grace for Godly Women- part 1
Christmas Dinner with the Sexual Sinner
When Your Child Cancels You– Transformed with Dr. Greg Gifford
How Can I Remain Fruitful in My Old Age or in My Retirement?– Ligonier
What does the Bible say about aging/growing old?– GotQuestions
(Tran)Script (For a more accurate transcript, locate this episode on our YouTube channel and click the “show transcript” button in the info. box under the video.)
Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

I love listening to your podcast. Thank you.
I have to caution you about your advice regarding grandchildren who do not live near you. Certainly we should love them and try to be a part of their lives. However, we have to let our children live their lives where God puts them. We grandparents must trust them to God. I have 4 children and 10 grandchildren (& 2 on the way) all of whom live 7 or more hours away and none in the same city. If my goal is to see them often then I will never be home. I won’t be able to participate in my church. I won’t be able to be an older women mentoring the younger women in my church. Also money is tight. I don’t have the funds to travel a lot nor to send gifts all the time. Of course I try to visit them etc. but if I am to be content where I am I must live here. I try to be the grandmother to those children who do not have a living grandmother or whose grandmother lives far away. I try to help young couples with their children as I see God providing women to help my children and grandchildren since I can’t be there.
I just felt like your advice was a little bit saddening to me and perhaps to other grandmothers who for various reasons can’t travel, can’t send gifts, and can’t move. FaceTime is a wonderful invention for us!