Search results for "modesty"

modesty part 3 a word fitly spoken podcast

Modesty – Part 3

In this third and final installment of our series on Modesty, we take on two of the most common questions we’ve received on the topic: “How women and men teach their daughters -and sons- about modesty?” “How can we biblically deal with women and girls dressing immodestly at church?”

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modesty part 2 a word fitly spoken podcast

Modesty – Part 2

In Part Two of our three-part series on the topic of modesty, three questions you might be asking: Does biblical modesty come with “rules,” like skirt height? How should moms and dads go about teaching modesty to their children? And what do you say in situations at your church where a sister in the Lord […]

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modesty part 1 a word fitly spoken podcast

Modesty – Part 1

When it comes to modesty and the Bible, we often want “rules” and easy steps to follow. While the world gives us catalogs and commercials and fashion magazines, the Bible gives us general principles about subjective issues that we must wisely apply in our cultural context as we seek to please Him.This is the first […]

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glad you asked a word fitly spoken podcast Q&A

Glad You Asked- December ’24

Welcome to another episode of Glad You Asked! In this episode, we’re answering questions about… ∙Spiritual gifts ∙Women’s ministry, book clubs, and Bible study ∙Pentatonix ∙Hymnology resources ∙Modesty ∙Virtual vs. in person Bible study ∙What to do in church when a song from a heretical source is sung ∙Navigating technology Christianly ∙Having a relationship with […]

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2 a word fitly spoken podcast five 5 year anniversary (1)

It’s our 5 year anniversary!

It’s been a half decade since we aired our very first podcast episode, and today, more than 200 episodes later, we’re reflecting on what we’ve learned and which episodes have meant the most to us. We’ve narrowed those favorite episodes down to five apiece, and we’re going to share a little bit about each one […]

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aging grace gracefully growing old elderly godly women a word fitly spoken podcast 3

Aging with Grace for Godly Women- Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of our 3-part series on growing older. We asked you to send us your comments and feedback on parts 1 and 2, and you graciously took the time to share your thoughts with us so we could share your wisdom and insight with all of our listeners tonight in part 3. […]

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