Why We Won’t Stay Silent

In recent times many women who speak truth are told they need to be silent, and not “criticize” anointed teachers who “occasionally” teach something opposite of what Scripture says. Amy and Michelle have both been sounding the alarm for a number of years about wolves in sheep’s clothing, and we’ve been pointing to God’s Word as the only source of truth by which all teachings must be measured. We do it because so many people have come from abusive, apostate churches and need to hear. In this episode, we discuss why we can not – MUST NOT – stay silent.


Titus 2: Teach What is Good?

Berean Research – Amy Spreeman

Naomi’s Table – Amy Spreeman

Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

Discipling Younger Women in the 21st Century– Michelle Lesley


What is the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Thank you, bless you and Walk Worthy!

A Word Fitly Spoken
A Word Fitly Spoken
Why We Won't Stay Silent

2 Responses to Why We Won’t Stay Silent

  1. Jayme Lawson May 10, 2022 at 7:05 pm #

    I’m only halfway through, and am in tears. I was a news reporter… I was deceived by false teachers. I was (am) a wretch. I have found myself beginning just as you have, and at first I thought I was losing my mind. I’ve lost most friends for sure, but have found many like you in the body of chrt. I’m so blessed he finds a way for me each day to share what I’m studying learning. I understand now what’s happening, I’m reading macarthur right now, about how we are joyful slaves to Christ and he chooses our ministry, not us. I’m thankful you Michelle, and I’m happy to meet you Amy. I share your posts daily, along with Susan, Justin, etc. Susan was the first and only biblical woman teacher I could find for so long. I pray God uses me in some way, any way, each day as long as he allows me. Almost everyone has distanced themselves from me, but I cannot stop. God guides me each day through scripture and it happens Each day as I pray and study and submit myself to him, I have no choice but to share the truth. Praying for your ministries without ceasing.

    • A Word Fitly Spoken May 12, 2022 at 8:28 am #

      Jayme- We’re so encouraged to hear about how God is growing you. Thank you for your prayers, and thanks for listening!

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